Ditch hustle culture, allow yourself time off when building a business. Image shows a business owner relaxing with a cup of coffee and a book.

Allow Yourself Time Off When Building a Business

We live in a society which prioritises productivity to a sickening extent. Especially concerning is the advice around starting a business. Hustle culture would have us believe that we need to “disappear for a year” when launching a business or that side hustles should be our “5-9” after we finish our 9-5. We say that is not a way to live. That is not a recipe for success – it is a recipe for burnout. It is okay to allow yourself time off when building a business. In fact, time off is necessary.

Why Taking a Break Is Important in Business

We are trying to give you permission to take a break and relax. But we understand that some entrepreneurs need to see the benefits of taking a break to actually take a break. Here are the top 3 reasons why you need to take a break from your business.

Taking Time Off Improves Efficiency

When you are exhausted (whether physically, mentally, emotionally, or creatively exhausted), you are not at your best. That means that your business and your customers are not getting you at your best when you are working yourself to the bone. That not-your-best-work quality will also take you longer to complete because your focus is impacted by your tiredness. You could say that being well-rested is the ultimate productivity hack.

A Break Gives Clarity

There’s a saying, “you can’t see the forest for the trees.” As business owners, we are often too close to our business and too caught up in the finer details to see the full picture. By taking a break – even an afternoon off – you can return with fresh eyes to better see the bigger picture.

Prioritising Rest Reduces Stress

Starting a business can be stressful at times. There is a huge learning curve involved in starting a business, and a lot of pressure to shorten that learning curve as fast as you can. Then we get into the stress about money, having too much work to do, feeling like you’re not doing enough, and a big dose of imposter syndrome.

Regular rest gives you a chance to release some of that stress rather than letting it build and build. This is why hustle culture is so harmful because it doesn’t account for our need to rest. It preaches working as hard as you can until you make it. However, entrepreneurs and business owners always have an eye on their next goal, so the goalposts for “making it” keep shifting.

Instead, make regular rest and breaks a priority so that you can sustain your progress long-term. 

Your business reaps the benefits of prioritising rest and time off.

How to Take Time Off as a Business Owner

Knowing you need to take time off and being able to take time off are very different things. The best way to prioritise rest in your business is to build regular breaks into your routine. That means:

  • Regular days off
  • Regular breaks during work
  • Longer periods of time off
  • Ad-hoc time off

This will look different depending on the type of business you have and the niche you serve.

Take Regular Days Off Each Week

Even if you don’t take the weekend off, make sure you regularly have days off where you don’t do any work. Aim for 1-2 days off per week so you can relax, recharge, and nurture the other areas of your life.

This is especially true if your business is a side hustle. You are already working more than most people because you are working after work and on weekends. Make it a priority to have 1 full day per week where you are not working either your main job or side hustle. This may give you less time for your side hustle, but it will be beneficial for your physical and mental health. You don’t want to be in a position where you’re so burned out that you get sick of your side hustle before it’s had a chance to pay off.

It can be helpful to always take the same days off if your schedule allows. It is much easier to prioritise something that is part of your routine. Plus, your body is then receiving regular rest.

Take Regular Breaks While Working

Taking time off as a business owner can also look like making sure you take breaks regularly while you’re working. Experiment with different ways of taking breaks to find what works best for you. For example, you could try the Pomodoro Technique, which is 25 minutes of work followed by a 5-minute break. This is great if you struggle with distractions because you only need to focus for 25 minutes, and then you have a break to check your phone or attend to whatever is distracting you.

Alternatively, you might prefer to carve out chunks of your day for deep work à la Cal Newport. This is particularly popular for those in creative businesses who will carve out 2-3-hour blocks into their weekly schedule to allow them to get into a flow state. Those 2-3 hours of focused work would then afford you longer breaks before and after.

Taking regular breaks throughout your workday allows your brain to rest and recharge between tasks. If your brain is overtired, then tasks will take longer to complete, and the quality of your work will start to decline. Allowing your brain periods of rest from concentration will improve your focus overall.

It is also important to take care of your body during these breaks. Stretch, hydrate, and get a snack to keep you going.

Take Holiday Leave as a Business Owner

Business owners don’t get holiday leave as such, but it is important to take longer breaks from your business from time to time. When you first start a business, it can be hard to take a week or two off from your business. (Even if your business allows you it, most new business owners are hesitant to.) It can be easier to start by taking 2-3 extra days off a few times per year. Aim to take a slightly longer break every quarter.

This longer break allows you to decompress from your business for a short period of time. Even if you take regular days off from your business, your business is often still playing on your mind. These longer breaks allow you to properly deal with that stress by taking a step back. You also have enough time to pursue other activities that bring you joy and reduce your stress a little.  

Take Time Off as You Need It

Allow yourself some ad-hoc time off as a business owner for when unexpected things arise. This can be used when you are not feeling 100%, to spend time with loved ones, or when you just need a day off. One of the best things about owning a business is the flexibility it affords you. Take advantage of that! If you don’t have flexibility, then you are essentially working a super demanding job.

Should I Take Days Off from My Side Hustle?

Yes! Side hustles feel different because they happen in our spare time. However, you still need time off, and you still need to take breaks. For a side hustle, we still recommend having at least 1 day per week where you are not working either your main hustle or your side hustle. We also recommend taking longer periods of time off throughout the year. The occasional entire weekend off or longer will do you a world of good. People with side hustles run a higher risk of burnout because they are working a job and starting a business.

How to Relax as a Business Owner

Relaxation starts with getting good sleep. Sleep is the ultimate productivity hack for business owners.

There is no right or wrong way to relax. This is more about using some of your relaxation time on activities that recharge you and not using your relaxing time on activities that increase your stress. We have a few dos and don’ts of how to relax as a business owner to help you relax in a healthy manner.

The Dos of How to Relax as a Business Owner

  • Make sure you are getting enough sleep to feel well-rested. 
  • Spend time on things that fill your cup, like spending time with people you love or doing things you enjoy.
  • Do activities that engage your creativity.
  • Allow yourself to veg out sometimes. Days where you do nothing are the best. Give yourself permission to have a guilt-free lazy day.
  • Learn something new (start small) or consume content that stimulates your brain. Pick a topic that interests you, whatever that may be.

The Don’ts of How to Relax as a Business Owner

  • Don’t allow yourself to think too much about your business. Brain dump if you find yourself thinking about your business. Sit down with your computer or a notebook and give yourself 10 minutes to get everything off your brain. You can come back to it on your next working day.
  • Avoid activities or people that cause you more stress if you can. Take a tip from Marie Kondo – if it doesn’t bring you joy, reevaluate its place in your life.
  • Limit the amount of relaxation time you spend learning things related to your business. Look at if you need to schedule more learning time in your work time to stop it from spilling over too much.
  • Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that you need to be productive 24/7. Periods of non-productivity are healthy. Make them a priority.

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