
8 Quick Responses All Fiverr Sellers Need

One of the things that set apart Fiverr Sellers who are serious about running a freelancing business and those who are dabbling is Quick Responses. They allow you to save time, respond to Buyers quicker, and manage your customer experience. Learn the 8 Quick Responses all Fiverr Sellers need and get some example templates to use in your freelancing business.

What Are Fiverr Quick Responses?

Fiverr Quick Responses are saved message templates that you can select when writing a message in your Fiverr inbox or your order page. Rather than writing a message from scratch, you can create a Quick Response for commonly occurring situations to save you time. These Quick Responses are not automatically triggered, so you can set up variations of each message or variations in the Quick Response that you then customise.

Image credit: Fiverr. Fiverr has some preloaded Quick Responses, but we recommend adding these 8 Fiverr Quick Responses. 

The Benefits of Fiverr Quick Responses

Fiverr Quick Responses is the equivalent of setting up processes for your business. Processes allow you to proactively manage the customer journey to better support your customers. Depending on which stage of the customer journey the process manages, this can improve your conversion rate, increase client satisfaction, and result in customer referrals.

The benefits of Fiverr Quick Responses are:

  • You save time – It can be tedious writing the same messages over and over. Not to mention time-consuming. A Quick Response allows you to pick the appropriate message and then spend a few seconds customising it to the customer or situation.
  • You standardise the customer experience – Instead of some Buyers getting helpful messages and others getting hurried messages, Quick Responses ensure that all Buyers get helpful messages.
  • You don’t have to worry about forgetting anything – The major benefit of Fiverr Quick Responses is that you can sit down and concentrate when you write them. (As opposed to when you’re trying to respond to 5 messages at once while you’re on the bus home) You can really focus on what information Buyers need at various stages of their customer journey and write a Quick Response that makes the Buyer feel well-informed. You don’t have to worry about forgotten information coming back to bite you later on. You don’t have to worry about confusing Buyers.
  • You can trial messages and processes for your business – Fiverr is a great testing ground for your freelancing business because it’s a bit like starting a business with training wheels. You can trial things without worrying about acquiring customers or creating contracts. You can use Quick Responses as a starting point for your processes when you’re ready to start freelancing outside of Fiverr.
  • You are thinking more strategically about communication with Buyers – One of the benefits of Fiverr Quick Responses for your future freelancing business is that it teaches you how to think strategically about customer touchpoints and their conversion rates. You’ll notice yourself thinking about common questions you receive that aren’t covered in the Quick Responses (and amending your quick responses to address that.) You’ll start thinking about how Buyers interact with your Quick Responses and how you can change them to better support your customers.

Converted to the Quick Response bandwagon yet? Good, because we’re giving you some Fiverr Quick Responses you can copy and paste.

8 Fiverr Quick Responses to Level Up Your Customer Service

The Quick Responses you need as a Fiverr Seller will vary depending on the services you offer. These are the ones we recommend as a starting point. You can remove the ones you don’t use and add more Fiverr Quick Responses as you find the need for them.

  • New enquiry Quick Response
  • Enquiry follow up Quick Response
  • New buyer order acknowledgement Quick Response
  • Repeat buyer order acknowledgement Quick Response
  • Order delivery Quick Response
  • Automatic completion Quick Response
  • Fiverr Subscriptions pitch Quick Response
  • Upcoming subscription order Quick Response

Our copywriter (who happens to be a successful Fiverr Seller and a successful freelancer outside of Fiverr) has written templates that you can tailor to use in your Fiverr business. But before we give you the Fiverr Quick Response examples, there are a few items of housekeeping that will help you use them effectively.

Tips for using the Fiverr Quick Response examples.

  1. Customise the Quick Response examples – Even though these are templates, you don’t want these to feel like templates. Take some time to make them specific to your business and inject your personality before saving them.
  2. Read over Quick Responses before sending – Don’t let a Quick Response send with missing information or customisation instructions. Take a minute to read through and modify a Quick Response before sending.
  3. Frame boundaries and workflow positively – There is an art to letting Buyers know what is and isn’t included and the way you work without sending through a laundry list of commandments. Instead of asking Fiverr Buyers not to follow up every few days, think about how you can make them feel confident enough in the process that they don’t keep following up. (Acknowledge their order and provide them with a timeline or a timeframe so they know what’s happening.) Also, consider how you can frame things positively rather than negatively. (For example, instead of saying, “this gig does not include copy”, try saying: “Lorem ipsum will be used as a placeholder for copy. Please let me know if you would like me to recommend copywriters.”)
  4. Create variations for each gig – Some of the Quick Response examples will have different instructions for different types of services. You may need to create variations of your order acknowledgement and order delivery Quick Responses for each gig to save time. This will avoid confusion through vague instructions or instructions for a different type of service.
  5. Review your Quick Responses each quarter and make amendments – Schedule a regular time to review your Fiverr Quick Responses and update them to better fit your needs. If you get a lot of business on Fiverr, review them quarterly. If you don’t once or twice a year will suffice. Update your Quick Responses to reflect any changes to your gigs or to pre-empt commonly asked questions.

Let’s look at the examples.

These 8 Fiverr Quick Responses will show clients you are a professional freelancer.

New Enquiry

A new enquiry Quick Response allows you to start the relationship off to a good start. The response to the first enquiry can vary significantly based on the information the Buyer provided in their first message. Therefore, it can be helpful to keep the new enquiry Quick Response short.

Example New Enquiry Quick Response


Thank you for getting in touch with me about…

I can definitely help you with that. Here is a link to my portfolio so you can see some examples of my work. I’d love to get some more information before we start discussing the scope of work.

(Insert Questions)





Thank you for getting in touch with me about…

Unfortunately I don’t offer those services. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you need (YOUR SERVICES).



Enquiry Follow Up

If a Buyer hasn’t responded to your response to your enquiry, or they’ve suddenly gone quiet after a few messages, there could be a number of reasons. They may have forgotten or gone with another buyer. They may be expecting you to message them. The best way to make sure you’re not missing out on a Buyer is to follow up.

We recommend only following up if it has been 24-48 hours since hearing from the Buyer – spamming Buyers is more likely to lose you orders.

Example Enquiry Follow Up Quick Response


Are you still interested in working together on PROJECT?

Let me know if you have any questions about the process or my work to help you decide between freelancers.



New Buyer Order Acknowledgement

Buyers want to feel supported the whole way through the order process. They tend to freak out if it’s been a few days since they’ve heard from you, and they don’t know if you’ve even received their order. Using a quick response to acknowledge the order and let them know what to expect can really give the Buyer peace of mind and show that you are a professional. (It also stops nervous Buyers from “checking in” every day.)

An order acknowledgement Quick Response for new buyers (a buyer you haven’t worked with before) should:

  • Acknowledge that you’ve received their order.
  • Explain the order process (including revisions.)
  • Tell them that you’ll reach out if you need more information, but if they don’t hear from you, it means you have everything you need.
  • Ask them to keep an eye out for messages/notifications in case you need to get in touch.

Example New Buyer Order Acknowledgement Quick Response


Thank you for your order. Just confirming I have received it and am excited to get to work.

You might be wondering what happens behind the scenes and what to expect. There is a countdown clock on this order page that shows the deadline for the first draft.

Once I submit the first draft, Fiverr gives you 72 hours to review it and either accept the order or discuss revisions. I’ll send you more information about my revision process when I submit the first draft, but I offer X rounds of revisions.

Please keep an eye on your emails/app notifications in case I need to ask any questions. If you don’t hear from me, don’t panic, it means I have everything I need.


Repeat Buyer Order Acknowledgement

This will be quite similar to your order acknowledgement Quick Response for new buyers, but you don’t need to go into as much detail. We recommend just shortening it slightly.

Example Repeat Buyer Order Acknowledgement Quick Response


Thank you for your order. It’s lovely to be working with you again.

You already know my process from the last time we worked together, but here’s a quick refresher. I will submit the first draft by the deadline, which is shown by the countdown clock on this order page. Once I submit that first draft, Fiverr gives you 72 hours to review it and either accept the order or discuss revisions. I’ll send you more information about my revision process when I submit the first draft, but I offer X rounds of revisions.

Please keep an eye on your emails/app notifications in case I need to ask any questions. If you don’t hear from me, don’t panic, it means I have everything I need.


Order Delivery

A Fiverr Quick Response when you deliver an order should:

  • Let the Buyer know how to access the deliverables. (Attached, linked, etc.)
  • Explain that images are watermarked until the order is accepted, after which Fiverr will send the original watermarks. (If applicable)
  • Tell the Buyer about your revision process and encourage them to use it if they would like changes.
  • Prompt the Buyer to leave a review if they are happy with the final product.

Example Order Delivery Quick Response


Thank you for your order. Please find attached the completed work.

(Insert any details the Buyer needs to know about the order.)

This order includes X rounds of revisions, so please let me know if you would like any changes, big or small. Fiverr automatically completes orders in 72 hours if no revisions have been requested, so I encourage you to review the deliverables in that timeframe.

(Insert details about your revisions process.)

If you are happy with the deliverables as is, I would appreciate it if you would accept the delivery and leave a review. Reviews help me to grow my business here on Fiverr.

It has been a pleasure to work with you, and I hope to work with you again. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch for YOUR SERVICES.

Thanks again,


Automatic Completion

Sometimes orders automatically complete. This means that either the Buyer hasn’t looked at the order within the 72-hour review period, or they did but didn’t respond. An automatic completion Quick Response goes a long way to improving the customer experience and reducing bad reviews.

Try to send an automatic completion Quick Response soon after the order completes.

Example Automatic Completion Quick Response


I saw your order automatically completed and wanted to check if you were happy with everything.

If you need a little more time to review the order, let me know. I am happy to honour the revisions even though the order has closed.

If you are happy with the deliverables, please consider leaving a review so I can grow my business here on Fiverr.



Fiverr Subscriptions Pitch

Fiverr Subscriptions offer consistent income. So if you just finished a repeatable gig with a Buyer and you enjoyed working with them, why not pitch a Subscription? The worst they could say is no or not respond. However, most likely they will say yes and place a monthly order or say that they will in the future.

Use your Quick Responses to earn subscriptions for repeatable orders.

Use a Fiverr Subscriptions pitch Quick Response on successful completion of a repeatable order. The order page will have closed, so you will have to message them in messages.

Example Fiverr Subscriptions Pitch Quick Response


It was really great working with you on GIG. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me in the future if you need any SERVICES, I have a full list of gigs on my profile.

I just wanted to let you know that I offer a subscription discount for GIG in case you were looking for regular support. If you order a 3-month subscription, you’ll get a X% discount. If you order a 6-month subscription, you’ll get a X% discount. An order will automatically be started on the same day every month, starting the date you place the first subscription order.



Upcoming Subscription Order

Fiverr will often notify Buyers a few days before the subscription order. (You’ll get a reminder a few days before too.) However, it can be helpful to remind your Buyers 5-7 days before with a list of the things they need to send you when the order starts. This gives them time to prepare everything so you’re not waiting a week after the subscription starts.

Example Upcoming Subscription Order Quick Response


I know Fiverr has probably already sent you an email, but just letting you know your subscription order is coming up in the next few days. I thought I’d send you a reminder so you can get everything ready for the order.

When your order starts, I’ll be asking you for…. (Insert the order requirements)

Let me know if you have any questions.

I plan my schedule around subscriptions, so if you anticipate a delay in the order, please let me know so I can plan around it.


What Did You Think About the Quick Response Examples?

Let us know what you thought in the comments.

Do you use Fiverr Quick Responses? Let us know if you think we missed any or if you have found Quick Responses useful in your Fiverr business.

Have you tried these 8 Fiverr Quick Responses? Let us know if they worked for you or if you would like us to add any other examples.

Read more articles about running a successful Fiverr business here.


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