
Can I Make Money on Fiverr as a Beginner

There are a lot of people touting Fiverr as a way to extra money, whether as a side hustle or a business idea. However, the amounts they say they make freelancing on Fiverr vary considerably. Some people claim to make 6-figures on Fiverr, while some people say they make less than a thousand per month. So it can be difficult to find an answer to the question, “How much money can you actually make on Fiverr?

There are many variables to success on Fiverr, many of which are outside a Fiverr Seller’s control, so we can’t provide you with an exact answer. That being said, we can give you an idea of how much money you can make on Fiverr as a beginner.

How to Make Money on Fiverr

Fiverr is a freelancing platform where Fiverr Sellers provide services to Buyers in exchange for money. When it first started, freelancers were only able to charge $5, hence the name. Now, most people on Fiverr charge more than $5 for their services. The maximum you can charge per order is currently $20,000. (This maximum order is a lot higher for Fiverr Pros)

As a Fiverr Seller, you advertise gigs on the marketplace for services you are willing and able to provide. Fiverr allows you to set 3 packages per gig plus extras that Buyers can add on if they wish. You can also provide custom offers to Buyers who contact you with requirements not covered by your gig.

Pricing Your Gigs as a New Seller on Fiverr

As a new Fiverr Seller, it can be difficult to stand out amongst the Sellers who have been on Fiverr for years and have hundreds of glowing reviews. In order to get your first orders to start collecting reviews, you need to set your prices low to start with. This can be disheartening, but once you have a few reviews, you can slowly begin to increase your prices.

Start by pricing your gigs $15 or lower with short turnaround times so you can get your first few orders. When Buyers search for freelancers, there are a number of filters they can use, including area of expertise, Seller location, budget, and delivery time. The delivery time filter options are 24 hours, 3 days, and 7 days. By offering a delivery time that fits into one of these categories, you can increase your chance of being picked by Buyers on a deadline.

Here we would like to point out that you should only set deadlines that you can reasonably meet. The goal is to get positive reviews on your profile – not negative reviews due to late delivery.

What we recommend a new Seller on Fiverr does is offer a micro version of their gig to start off with. That will allow you to set a lower price and a tighter deadline without having to offer something crazy like creating a website for $15. Once you have your first review, you can increase your prices, and once you have a few reviews, you can increase your prices again.

When you create subsequent gigs, you may need to set your price a little lower than you would usually, but you won’t need to set them as low as you did on your first gig. Buyers on Fiverr will be able to see the reviews on your profile and browse your portfolio.

It is also worth noting here that Fiverr works in USD. Buyers will see prices in their currency, but Fiverr Sellers will set prices in USD. We recommend communicating prices in USD with Buyers to save yourself maths on the exchange rate. Fiverr also takes a 20% commission on all orders – don’t forget to factor that into your pricing.

ner?Fiverr beginners often have to set their prices low while they build reviews and a portfolio on the platform.

How Much Money Will I Make on Fiverr as a Beginner?

In the first few months on Fiverr, you can expect to make approximately $300-500. That may not seem like much, but the first few months on Fiverr are the most difficult. Fiverr has Seller Levels which are based on how long you’ve been on the platform and how active you have been on the platform. For the first 60 days (at least) your Fiverr profile will have a badge to tell the world that you are a New Seller.

To become a Level 1 Seller (the next level up), you need to have been on the platform for at least 60 days and have earned $400 or more from orders. Most Fiverr Sellers will be able to earn $400 within the 60 days. It is challenging, but it is doable if you approach Fiverr with a strategy to help you reach your goal. Some Fiverr Sellers may take longer to reach this goal if they are in a high-competition category or if they struggle to get reviews from their orders.

Once you are a Level 1 Seller (and you have ditched the New Seller badge), it is a lot easier to attract orders. You should raise your prices after reaching Level 1 and create new gigs for higher-paying services. Making money on Fiverr becomes a lot easier the higher your seller level.

Is It Possible to Make 6-Figures on Fiverr?

Potentially. There are certainly people who claim to make 6-figures on Fiverr. They are usually people who have been on the platform for some time and have carved out a niche for themselves. However, they are the exception, not the rule. It is difficult to make 6-figures on Fiverr for a number of reasons.

Fiverr is a very saturated marketplace, and in order to be successful, you need to stand out. Fiverr is also set up as a marketplace, so the Buyers come to the Sellers. In many ways, that is great. However, it does mean that Fiverr Sellers are limited in what they can do to improve their success. They can’t go out and pitch more Buyers on Fiverr because the platform doesn’t allow that. In many ways, Fiverr Sellers are sitting back and waiting for Buyers to contact them.

As much as Fiverr is trying to rebrand itself from its early days where all services cost $5, it is still a platform that attracts clients looking to pay less than they would pay to hire an agency or top-tier freelancer. This means that the majority of freelancers on Fiverr set their pricing around the mid-range for their industry. They would (and often do) make significantly more by setting up their own website and marketing channels.

It is possible to make a decent living on Fiverr. It seems that it is possible for some people to make 6-figures on Fiverr, but they are the exception, not the rule.

How Can I Make 6-Figures on Fiverr?

In order to give yourself the best possible chance to make 6-figures on Fiverr, you can:

  • Update your portfolio regularly
  • Ask every Buyer to leave a review on their completed order
  • Use Promoted Gigs to get your gig in the top spots (like Google or Amazon ads)
  • Set your pricing wisely
  • Have a gig image that stands out
  • Use Fiverr’s features so that the algorithm favours you
  • Optimise your profile and gigs for keywords
  • Respond quickly to messages from Buyers – especially the initial enquiry

Even then, there are no guarantees you will earn 6-figures on Fiverr. None of the Fiverr Sellers we know have made 6-figures (including the people on our team who have been Fiverr Sellers for years.) According to Priceonomics, 96.3% of Fiverr Sellers earn less than $500 per month. This data is biased because it comes from customers of Earnest, a loan refinancing business – so by the very nature, the data is unlikely to come from Fiverr Sellers earning a decent living.

From our experience on Fiverr, as people who have experience in the services they provide and who freelance full-time (many Fiverr Sellers are freelancing as a side hustle), it is possible to earn a decent living on Fiverr. While the money is often unpredictable, we have all replaced full-time income on Fiverr during times of need. Especially when you achieve Top Rated Seller status or become a Fiverr Pro, you can set prices that are on par with industry standards.

We all recommend building your business elsewhere as well so that you have more control over your income than Fiverr allows. However, Fiverr is a great place to start freelancing because you can focus on providing the service rather than marketing and prospecting. It is also a great bonus income stream once you have established your freelancing business.


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